Tuesday 29 November 2016

How To Avoid Costly And Time-Consuming Drain Unblocking Procedures In Melbourne

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Drain blocking issues can be one of the costliest outlays homeowners can make. The expenses will always go higher if the clog is too severe and hard to remove. Of course, if the blockage is too intensive and the pipes already severely damaged, the costs will double and even triple if the fixtures have to be replaced with new ones.

To avoid expensive and lengthy works in drain unblocking, Melbourne professional plumbers say there are certain simple tips you can follow to prevent drain clogs. These include the following:

1. Never pour oil or grease down the kitchen sink. Clogged kitchen sinks can normally be avoided by not pouring things like bacon grease and other fatty substances down your drain. You can pour the grease in a can or wait for it to harden and put it in a bag and dispose of it properly. By following this tip, you will save a huge amount of money on plumbing bills.
trusted plumbing company in Melbourne
2. Leave the water dripping from the faucet during the cold season. This is a useful tip to follow because if the temperature drops below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, it is highly possible that your pipes will freeze. And when the weather starts to warm back up, the water in the pipes might expand and burst the pipes, leaving you with a big mess to take care of. If you leave the water dripping even just a little when the temperature is supposed to drop, you can avoid this problem easily.

3. Do not stuff too many items under the kitchen counter. Although the area under the sink seems like a great place to store cleaning products and other items, this is not really advisable. This is because the curved pipes under the sinks, also known as drain pipes, can be knocked loose by the items crammed under your sink. This, in turn, can lead to leaks that can be messy, especially if they aren’t found in time.

reliable plumbing company in Melbourne
 4. Avoid using caustic cleaners to clean old pipes. Lastly, caustic chemicals are usually the first pick of homeowners when unclogging a blocked sink or toilet. However, these products can really be hard on old pipes. These products often lead to corrosion, leaks, and then having to have the pipes completely replaced. As such, the next time you have a clog, try using a natural drain cleaner instead. It is safer for your pipes and for the environment as well.

By Adrian Stephens, a drain cleaning and repair specialist, with additional resource about drain unblocking in Melbourne from the website of Diamond Plumbing.